Configure Email Notification
  • 15 May 2024
  • 1 Minute to read

Configure Email Notification

Article summary

In this Article

This article describes the key events and how to configure Notification in your SaaSify Instance.


  • Login to your SaaSify Instance with Publisher Admin Role.

Key Events

  1. Awaiting Publisher Approval

  2. Subscription Activation Success

  3. Subscription Activation Failure

  4. Unsubscribe Success

  5. Unsubscribe Failed

Configure Notification

Please follow the below steps to configure notifications:

  1. Navigate to Notifications tab from Settings

  2. Click + Add Notification

  3. Select the required Provider and Event

  4. Select the Context (Offer/Plan) and Context Value (Name of the selected Offer/Plan). – This is optional (This can be used if you want the Notification setup under individual Offer/Plan level)

  5. Once done, click on Add New Row.

  6. Select the Email Recipient Type.

  7. Select the User Recipient Type.

    1. Role – For E.g.: If Role is selected as Publisher Admin, which means Users having this role assigned will receive notifications based on the event that is created.

    2. People- For E.g.: If User Type selected as People, you can enter multiple email address separated by commas who will receive the notifications

    3. Subscriber - Subscriber here refers to the customers.

  8. Click on Save to set up the notification.


If you have a dedicated set of users responsible for different cloud providers or offers, you might want to create notification rules accordingly. Context helps you to do that. Using context, you can scope the notification to following:

  • Cloud Provider - Microsoft / Amazon / Google

  • Offer / Product

  • Plan / SKU

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