SaaSify Integration Configuration
  • 14 May 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read

SaaSify Integration Configuration

Article summary

In this Article

This article describes how to create SaaSify Role on AWS Marketplace Management Portal.


  • Before proceeding with the below steps, make sure you have completed the steps mentioned in previous page.

  • SaaSify PSM will provide the following information as part of the configuration:

  1. Cloud Formation Quick Create URL

  2. Access User ARN

  3. Data feed Webhook URL

  4. External ID


  • Before executing the below steps, make sure you have the AWSCloudFormation_FullAccess permissions assigned to the user.

  • Ensure you have all the above details provided by PSM.

Create SaaSify Role

  1. Open the Cloud Formation Quick Create URL provided by PSM in the Browser and login using your AWS Credentials.

  2. Ensure the correct Region: N.Virginia (us-east-1) is selected.

  3. Provide the Stack name. For example: AWSMarketplaceRoleForSaaSifyIntegration-Stack

  4. Update the below Parameters values

    1. Under Parameter, for DatafeedAmazonS3ArnParameter paste the value of Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) ARN copied from Set up customer data storage

    2. Under Parameter, for DatafeedKMSKeyArnParameter paste the value of AWS KMS key ARN copied from Set up customer data storage

    3. Under Parameter, for DatafeedSNSTopicArnParameter paste the value of SNS topic ARN copied from Set up customer data storage

    4. RoleNameParameter is pre-populated, and it does not require any change

    5. SaaSifyAccessArnParameter, the value is provided by the PSM

    6. SaaSifyDatafeedWebhookUrl, the value is provided by the PSM

    7. SaaSifyExternalIdParameter, the value is provided by the PSM

  5. Review the details updated and under Capabilities, select “I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names.

  6. Click on Create Stack.

  7. Once the Stack creation is completed successfully, you can see the status as Create_Complete.

  8. Navigate to the Outputs tab and make a note of the value for SaaSifyRoleARN as this would be used in further steps.

Next Step

  • Follow the steps in next page to update S3 bucket permission.