Use your own Email Service
  • 23 May 2024
  • 5 Minutes to read

Use your own Email Service

Article summary

In this Article

This article explains how to configure Email to receive notifications on the various SaaS Subscription life cycles.

Email Configuration

The email configuration consists of two sections:

  1. Configuration

  2. Variables.

Please follow the below steps on configuring the email:

  1. Configuration: There are three types of email configurations:

    1. Legacy SMTP:

      1. Navigate to Email Configuration from Settings

      2. Click on Configuration

      3. Click on Legacy SMTP

      4. Provide the details such as, Username, Email, Password, Host/Server, From (display name)

      5. Once Updated, Click Send Test Email to receive a test email for ensuring that the details entered are correct.

    2. O365 Modern Authentication:

      1. Navigate to Email Configuration from Settings

      2. Click on Configuration

      3. Click on O365 Modern Authentication

      4. Provide the details such as Microsoft Entra Tenant ID, Application ID, secret, secret expiry date

      5. Once Updated, Click Send Test Email to receive a test email for ensuring that the details entered are correct.

      6. After Entra App is created, go to API permissions, and provide the following permissions:

        API/ Permission





        Send mail as any user



        Send email on behalf of others



        Sign in and read user profile



        Read all users' basic profile

    3. Sendgrid:

      1. Navigate to Email Configuration from Settings

      2. Under Configurations, select Sendgrid

      3. Provide the From Email, Display Name and API Key

      4. You can verify the configuration by clicking on Send Test Email (Enter your Email and click on Send)

      5. Click on Save


        Refer Sendgrid integration section to create Sendgrid account & fetch API key.

  2. Variables:

    Under this, you will be able to update Application Name, Support URL and Contact Us URL as this information will be shown in the notification.

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