- 23 May 2024
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- Updated on 23 May 2024
- 1 Minute to read
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In this article
In the Article, we have shared the prerequisites that are required to create a Saas Offer. Also, we have added the required configuration for each document.
. Before you get started, you must complete the following prerequisites:
Access and use the Partner Center. This is the tool that you use to register as a seller and manage the products that you sell in Azure Marketplace. For more information, see create commercial marketplace account in partner center.
Submit your tax and banking information. For more information, see Set up commercial marketplace payout and tax profile
Determine pricing and offer type
Collect assets
Supporting documents: You can provide up to three customer-facing documents, such as whitepapers, brochures, checklists, or PowerPoint presentations.
Media – Logos: Provide a PNG file for the large logo. Partner Center uses this file to create a Small and a Medium logo. You can optionally replace these images later.
Large (from 216 x 216 to 350 x 350 px, required)
Medium (90 x 90 px, optional)
Small (48 x 48 px, optional)
Media - Screenshots: You must add at least one and up to five screenshots with the following requirements, which show how your offer works:
1280 x 720 pixels
PNG file type
Must include a caption
Media - Videos (optional): You can add up to four videos with the following requirements, that demonstrate your offer:
URL: Must be hosted on YouTube or Vimeo only.
Thumbnail: 1280 x 720 PNG file.
For more details, please refer Azure Marketplace offer and service listing requirements.