Configure Cloud Storage Bucket for Reporting
  • 12 Mar 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read

Configure Cloud Storage Bucket for Reporting

Article summary

To integrate SaaSify with GCP Marketplace for reporting, you need to ensure that the below steps are completed :

  1. Create a Cloud Storage Bucket in GCP (Optional)

  2. Assign permissions to the Cloud Storage Bucket in GCP.

  3. Add the Cloud Storage Bucket as Destination in GCP Producer Portal

Roles required:

  • Storage Admin

  • Editor permission on the project level

Create a Cloud Storage Bucket (Optional)

Note: Only required, if you need to create a new Bucket for reporting purpose.

You need to be a Storage Admin to create a Cloud Storage Bucket in GCP. You can refer to the steps mentioned in the following link to create a Cloud Storage Bucket:

If you already have a Cloud Storage Bucket and would like to use the same for reporting, then you can proceed directly to the below section.

Assigning permissions to the Cloud Storage Bucket

Once you have the Cloud Storage Bucket created, now you need to assign the permission required to integrate SaaSify with GCP Marketplace for reporting. Follow the below steps to assign the permission:

  1. Navigate to GCP Console - Buckets

  2. Select the correct marketplace project in the project list

  3. Select the newly created or existing Cloud Storage Bucket from the Buckets list

  4. Navigate to the Permissions section

  5. Click on Grant Access. It will allow us to Add principals and Assign roles to the principals

  6. Enter the New principals as previously copied Service Account under Add principals

    1. The Service Account will be in the following format: saasify-marketplace-service@<project name>

  7. Under Assign roles, click on the Select a role dropdown

  8. In the Select a role dropdown, search for “Storage Object Viewer” and select the same

  9. Click on Save.

Adding Cloud Storage Bucket as Destination for Reporting

As the above steps are now completed, you need to have the Cloud Storage bucket set up as the destination to start receiving the reporting. You must be a owner for the destination.

When you set up your destination, your Cloud Storage Administrator must ensure that the destinations can be shared with the and domains.

When you add your report destination, the following accounts are added as editors or storage object administrators, as applicable:

  • The service account, which uploads reports to the bucket.

  • The Google group, to debug and troubleshoot issues that you might have with reports.

Follow the steps below to set up the reporting in GCP Producer Portal:

  1. Navigate to the GCP Producer Portal - Reports

  2. Under Configure Reports, Click on Add A Destination

  3. In the New Destination, select Google Cloud Storage as the Destination location

  4. Click on Browse in Select a bucket

  5. Select the newly created or existing bucket (that you would like to use for reporting) from the Buckets list in Select folder

  6. Click on Select

  7. Under Reports to export, you can enable the below reports:

    1. Usage and disbursement

    2. Detailed disbursement (New)

    3. Customer incremental insights (New and improved Customer insights)

    4. Customer insights (Legacy)

  8. Click on Done.

This will set up the Cloud Storage Bucket for reporting in GCP Marketplace.
