AWS Seller Data Feed Configuration
  • 03 Feb 2025
  • 2 Minutes to read

AWS Seller Data Feed Configuration

Article summary

In this article

This article explains how to configure Seller Datafeed on AWS Marketplace Management Portal.

Seller Datafeed Configuration

Before proceeding with the below steps, verify if the Customer Data Storage is already set up by going to the following link: Set up customer data storage.

  • If already exists, keep the S3 bucket, KMS key, and SNS topic values handy for further use and move on to the next page.

  • If these are not available, please follow the below steps to generate:


To access seller data feed, the environment needs to be configured by ISV/Seller to receive data feed to an encrypted Amazon S3 bucket. AWS Marketplace provides an AWS CloudFormation template that can be used to simplify configuration.

Set up Customer Data Storage

Configure the environment to receive data feed using the AWS CloudFormation template:

  1. Open a web browser, sign into the AWS Marketplace Management Portalthen go to Set up customer data storage.

  2. Click Create resources with AWS CloudFormation template to open the template in the AWS CloudFormation console in another window.

  3. Note the default region mentioned at the top right (e.g.: N.Virginia – us-east-1). Make sure that your region is selected as N.Virginia (us-east-1)

  4. Once your region is changed you can see it in the URL as as well as in region selection on the top right

  5. In the template, specify the following and then choose Next:

    1. Stack name – The collection of resources created to enable access to data feeds.

      • E.g.: awsmarketplace<seller name>-datafeed-stack

    2. S3 bucket name – The bucket for storing data feeds.

      • E.g.: awsmp<seller name>-datafeed-bucket


        Make sure to provide the bucket name in lowercase.

    3. SNS topic name – The topic for receiving notifications when AWS delivers new data to the Amazon S3 bucket.

      • E.g.: awsmp<seller name>-datafeed-topic

  6. You can leave the Permissions section empty as it is optional.

  7. Click Create Stack. This will open a new page with the CloudFormation status and details. This creates a new S3 bucket, SNS topic, and a KMS key for S3 data encryption.

  8. You can click on Refresh to see the updated progress

  9. Once the Stack creation is completed successfully, you can see the status as Create_Complete.

  10. Navigate to the Resources tab, you can see that all the relevant details have been successfully created

  11. Click on the Outputs tab and take note of the ARN values for SnsTopicArn, S3BucketArn and KmsKeyArn (Also keep these values handy for further use)

  12. Now navigate back to Set up customer data storage page

  13. On Set-up customer data storage, fill out the three ARN values obtained from stack Outputs

  14. Click on Submit

  15. This will successfully enrol for Seller data feed.


Please click here to redirect to the video demonstration of the AWS Seller Data Feed Configuration.

Next Step

  • Follow the steps in next page for SaaSify Integration configuration.